We all hear about the need for self esteem and its importance in supporting our mental health. The trouble is that we face troubles and failures regularly, leading us to believe we are alone and unworthy, which can impact our self esteem. Did you know that self-compassion can actively repair our relationship with ourselves through its 3 components?

Being kinder to ourselves, talking to ourselves just as we would to a loved one. Our own critic easily comes out at this time; give them the backseat for a while.

Remembering the common feeling we all have of suffering; we see babies crying when falling and learning to walk, we see athletes fail in their sport, we read poets and hear singers describing their heartbreak. We can allow the discomfort to be a connection to another who has a shared experience.

Being mindful of the difficult feelings such as pain and suffering. Allowing ourselves to accept that this pain is present without letting it sweep us away, encourages us to accept the moment and nurture ourselves through meeting our needs. Meeting our needs is not selfish, it is nourishment.
